Inspired by Loree over at The Danger Garden I decided to do a bit of a walk through of the back garden, to give an idea of the general layout. It's quite a small space but I tend to cram a lot in, lush foliage abounds. When taking pictures I often focus on small details, individual plants or showing compositions, rather than taking a step back to show a more general view.
Most of the pictures were taken on my phone a couple of weeks ago, the quality and sharpness of some ain't amazing but here we are.
The entrance to the garden, along the side of the house. There is planting behind where I'm standing but it needs an overhaul so will not feature in the blog today.
The chairs are incredibly comfortable, but they are quite stark, their whiteness shines out and slightly jars, I'm trying to relax about them, though it didn't help when a friend suggested that they looked like two bath tubs.
The cat isn't ours, he has started hanging around, as cats tend to do. I honestly don't know why he has decided to choose our house.
We've called him Jim and it seems to fit.

Moving along the rear of the house is the micro patio and seating area, this has not been a summer for dining out, the rain and general greyness was not conducive to outdoor living. Damn metal manhole/drain cover! Ignore it please.
One of my container plantings, a mix of hardy and tender plants, little in the way of flowers, relying heavily on interesting foliage for colour.
Having children, toys can be found anywhere, the raptor fitted in with the jungly, Jurassic feeling, especially given the presence of Tetrapanax papyrifera 'Rex' in the background.
A new border, planted up in June this year, so just establishing and will need a bit of tweaking to improve its look next year.

Partially hidden behind the tree fern is a shady planting with three slowly establishing Trachycarpus wagnerianus, Musa basjoo, Borinda papyrifera and Bergenia ciliata.
Moving farther along I've created a path leading behind the oil tank (damn it but I hate that massive green plastic thing) This is the sunniest part of the back garden so I'm trying to make the most of that with my plant choices.
The Sonchus fruticosus behaves as a semi herbaceous perennial, having survived three or so winters outdoors. Normally it concentrates on producing lush green foliage but this summer it has decided to push out these yellow flowers. I'm not keen myself, but as you can see the insects approve so I've let them stay.

Honey bees have been making a bee line in order to indulge for weeks now. 'scuse the pun.
Looking down and to the right the planting mix is filling out, enjoying the extra light since removing a Fargesia 'Simba' recently.
Doing a 180 degree turn and looking at the scene I'm less that impressed overall, a jumble that doesn't work from this angle, more tweaking will be required here.
Though there are elements that I'm happy with, the planting in the middle distance is a bit of a nondescript fuzz,
Winter will give me time to ponder what needs to change to give a more cohesive look that works better from all view points.