Sunday, 29 December 2013

Bargain bulbs

Ah crap, I've done it again.

When is a bargain not actually a bargain?
When you buy an excessive amount of anything, including bulbs.

As I said, Crap.
That's pretty much what I'm thinking now that I have to plant this lot. Late, much too late, they should have been in the ground weeks ago.

I'm a sucker for a sale on plants and bulbs are no different, add a 75% off sticker and I'll almost buy anything. I'm an exotic plant nut, so these almost grotesque parrot Tulips kinda fit in.

Dwarf Narcissus can be squeezed in anywhere and die back relatively unobtrusively, so you don't have the same problem that occurs with the rank leaved large hybrids.

A pink Muscari? Hmmmm, we'll see if it's worth the garden space being a nice clean pink, or if it's a dirty murky colour.....

 I get excited just looking at the picture below, the potential explosion of colour that awaits in the spring. :)

Alliums. Can a garden ever have enough Alliums. I'd say NO!!

Weather permitting tomorrow will be spent trying to get a load more of them in the ground as well as a bit of a reshuffle of existing plants in the front garden,

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